'food//Extreme Bengali Indian Food!! - Unseen Eating Experience!!(We Food Traveler) food//Extreme Bengali Indian Food!! - Unseen Eating Experience!!(We Food Traveler) some query: food ranger,food vlog,food ranger bangladesh,food ranger india,food travel,food,food ranger pakistan,food recipes, food asmr, food eating,food fusion,foodpanda ,food review,mark wiens,foodieboy,city food factory,yummy go,village cooking channel,bohemian kitchen,wilderness cooking,we food traveler respect mark wiens and this is his story: __________________________________________ BANGKOK, THAILAND - Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is an “Asian Smokery” where Chef Bank serves family Malaysian food recipes with his own touch BBQ smoking touches. You’re in for an extreme meal of smoked goat leg curry, pork knuckle curry, and a huge mountain of biryani. Get ready for a meal experience you’ll never forget. #MalaysianFood #Bangkok I was more than excited to try this once in a lifetime meal in Bangkok! Chef Bank is half Malaysian and half Thai, and his Father is Malaysian Indian, and his Mother is Thai Chinese - four of the best food groups in the world? I think so! Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is where Chef Bank and team serve a combination of family recipes and curries, but then Chef Bank goes a step further to smoke the curries for 10 or 12 hours and build layer upon layer of flavor into each dish. One of the most impressive parts of eating at Aromkwan (อารมณ์ควัน) is how your meal is served on a banana leaf communal style. He piles on the dishes and we had a base of biryani, quail sambal, smoked portobello mushrooms, charred bok choy, smoked goat leg curry, smoked pork knuckle curry, ikan bakar, and smoked chicken wings. The entire meal was out of this world. Both the smoked goat leg curry and smoked pork knuckle were were out of control delicious, melt in your mouth and not only flavored from the curry and spices, but from the smoke. A world class meal, highly recommended when you’re in Bangkok for extreme Malaysian food that’s unlike anything else in the world. In addition to the amazing food, all the food is cooked with so much love, passion and dedication which you’ll taste with every bite.'
Tags: Food , food review , food recipes , food fusion , Food Vlog , food ranger , mark wiens , food asmr , foodieboy , Food eating , bohemian kitchen , food travel , food ranger pakistan , foodpanda , village cooking channel , food ranger india , food ranger bangladesh , wilderness cooking , City food factory , yummy go , we food traveler
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