'Tomatoes that are as delicious in August as in January? \"The Canning Evangelist\" Kevin West, writer of Saving the Season, tells us how to create sustainable, delicious food year round. Learn How to Make and Can Strawberry Jam: http://bit.ly/YDYjKY More on Canning: Http://www.takepart.com/homegrown Support GMO Labeling: http://bit.ly/VKI3Gv Subscribe Now!: http://full.sc/SwIjS1 Show Airs: BFD airs every Monday-Friday. About BFD Every day, BFD brings you a news story that the other guys aren\'t talking about. Through man on the street interviews, sketches, notable guests and a cast of fresh funny hosts, BFD lets you know about the stories that are a Big F\'ng Deal. Twitter: http://bit.ly/bfdtweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/fbbfd Brought to you by Take Part: http://full.sc/NHOG6H TakePart TV is the channel from some of the people behind An Inconvenient Truth, Food Inc., The Help, Contagion and Waiting for Superman, among others. Here, you\'ll find entertaining content that\'s real and eye-opening, every single day. Be sure to check out our shows, \"like\" and leave comments, and get involved as you see fit, because the only thing you can\'t do here is nothing. Creative Producer: Sax Carr Line Producer: Tobey List Associate Producer: Adam Hann-Byrd Production Coordinator: Maryann Feierstein DP: Marshall Douglis Sound: Alex Burstein Food Time Machines: Canning and Preserving with Kevin West | BFD | TakePart TV'
Tags: canning , preserving , takepart , participant media , takepart tv , take part tv , participant movie , participant film , seasonal food , canning food , BFD , canning recipes , canning 101 , homemade strawberry jam , brainfood daily , brain food daily , brainfooddaily , david park , kevin west , homegrown kitchen , saving the season , preserving at home , strawberry jam canning recipe , jars for canning , canning how to
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