'Can Food Go Bad in a Vacuum Chamber?'

'Can Food Go Bad in a Vacuum Chamber?'
03:23 Dec 11, 2021
'In this video I test if an apple turns brown in a vacuum chamber. Then I talk about what it means for a food to go bad and why and how a vacuum chamber or vacuum bagging can stop a food from going bad. I cut an apple in half and put half in the vacuum chamber and then half out of the vacuum chamber.   WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.  Checkout my science channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA19mAJURyYHbJzhfpqhpCA  Checkout my \"international channel \" I started where I will post just the action portion of my videos with no words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Bz8sjMT1f9XvgxHTifjdw  For more awesome videos checkout: Can Magic Sand Get Wet in a Vacuum Chamber? So Satisfying! https://youtu.be/9yaMexyXucA  Perfect Oreo Separation Using a Vacuum Chamber https://youtu.be/OSzx7G0v4Xk  How To Survive Being Vacuum Bagged! I Vacuum Bagged Myself https://youtu.be/FmcOuCB2Lmk  How Long Can a Fidget Spinner Spin In a Vacuum Chamber? Will It Spin Forever? https://youtu.be/3v3OOHsB-6g  A Liquid That Pours Itself! The Self-Siphoning Fluid: Polyethylene Glycol https://youtu.be/t3neqUhoDRA  What Happens When You Drop a Mentos in Coke in a Vacuum Chamber?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA2OFkYU6xI   What Happens When I Put My Arm In A Vacuum Chamber? Will It Explode? https://youtu.be/iWGGMchu6mQ  Shooting Fruit With Supersonic Ping Pong Balls | First Vacuum Cannon Test https://youtu.be/ts7v07lXmTQ  What Happens When You Put A Spider And A Fly In A Vacuum Chamber? Will They Survive? https://youtu.be/tA9jcIwvge0  If You Drop A Feather And A Metal Cube In A Vacuum Chamber Will They Hit At The Same Time? https://youtu.be/s9Zb3xAgIoY  What Happens When You Put Aerogel In A Vacuum Chamber And Hydraulic Press? https://youtu.be/TDgBYO0piOY  What Happens When You Put 16 Twinkies In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? https://youtu.be/VAq2kr5wniY  Snow Turned Into Clear Sheet Of Ice By A Hydraulic Press https://youtu.be/FiMNRNGgNuQ  What Happens When You Put A Speaker In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? Can You Hear It? https://youtu.be/657caNs8nRY  What Happens When You Put 6 Eggs In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? https://youtu.be/mzjCSDpmIuc  What Happens When You Put A Drone In a Vacuum? Can It Still Fly? https://youtu.be/g8-pxkaipcg  What Happens When You Put A Can Of Soda In A Huge Vacuum https://youtu.be/bSZMNu4PWf8  What Happens When You Put Shaving Cream Balloons In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? https://youtu.be/Cs7tdHT9NmU  I Made A Square Balloon By Putting It In A Huge Vacuum Chamber https://youtu.be/zYLJGXthzpE  What Happens When You Put 30 Marshmallows In A Huge Vacuum Chamber? https://youtu.be/OuHBzK-LK24  Don\'t Spray Sodium Metal With Water After Flattening It In A Hydraulic Press! https://youtu.be/xwyVd8MexAg  Extracting Cyanide From Apple Seeds With Hydraulic Press https://youtu.be/-0lIPWuuTW8  How Strong Is Human Hair Composite When Crushed In A Hydraulic Press? https://youtu.be/JVSyKRYDTsA  Starburst Crushed And Folded With Hydraulic Press Into 64 layers https://youtu.be/yk4WKsgvRc8' 

Tags: NASA , how to , diy , Food , stretch , fruit , science , apple , The , toys , action , Batman , Lego , Shred , awesome , spin , vacuum , microwave , experiment , physics , vsauce , armstrong , fly , spider , destroy , rotten , Fidget Spinner , lab , shredding , Fruit salad , oobleck , fruit ninja , king of random , vacuum chamber , hydraulic press action , spoil , Fruity , destruction , chamber , Shredder , crusher , hydraulic press , hydraulic press channel , the crusher , apple seeds , Stretch Armstrong , the action lab , cody's lab , presstube

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