'Can you put hot food in the fridge? Cooling hot food safely is very important, but many people believe that you cannot put cooked food in the fridge. This video explains why hot food in the refrigerator is okay and discusses storing cooked food in the fridge. Apparently, the idea that hot food can’t go into the fridge stems from back in the day when refrigerators weren’t very powerful, if you put hot food in an old fridge, everything else in the fridge would warm up, allowing bacteria to grow and spoil everything in the fridge Luckily, fridges made this century are very efficient, so if you put cooked food into the refrigerator, it will be cooled down, preventing bacterial growth and keeping you safe and healthy PURCHASE***Pecula Fridge Thermometer and AimmiNate food thermometer***PURCHASE Fridge Thermometer https://amzn.to/2TZiard Food Thermometer https://amzn.to/3xMV4me These thermometers are perfect for checking the safety temperatures of both your refrigerator and the food within it so that you can make sure your food is kept at a safe temperature to prevent spoilage. Please note; if you use these links to purchase these products, I earn a little bit of money, which really helps me out, and it could save you from food poisoning, so give it a try :D vvv Use the links below to follow The Travelling Scientist vvv Website: http://www.thetravellingscientist.com.au Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetravellingscientist YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0OPSqjSuqsDPhZFokbVxZg?view_as=subscriber Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travellingscientist/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travellingscience/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jctravelscience 00:00 Cooking with Jesse Intro 00:25 The Common Problem 01:02 How Bacteria Grows 01:46 Myth Origins 02:14 Normal Fridge Temperature 02:31 Food Safety Tips 02:56 Reheating Food 03:25 Cooking with Jesse Outro'
Tags: how to , Life Hacks , Health , kitchen tips , science , Healthy Food , meal prep , meal prepping , food storage , food safety , can you refrigerate cooked food , can you put hot food in the fridge , Hot food in fridge , cooked food in fridge , cooling down cooked food , cooling down hot food , hot food in the refrigerator , cooked food in the refrigerator , storing hot food , storing cooked food , cooling hot food safely , cooling hot food in the fridge , storing cooked food in the fridge
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