'Thanks to Honey for sponsoring today’s video! Get Honey for FREE today ▸ http://joinhoney.com/foodtheory Loyal Theorists, it is the season of love! With Valentine\'s Day just around the corner, I wanted to explore one love related \"myth\". Today I want to find out if aphrodisiacs REALLY work. The science of this has always been fascinating and what better time to dive into love that now? Get ready to make a last minute menu change, Theorists, as we figure out what is the TRUE food of LOVE! SUBSCRIBE for Every Theory! ►► https://bit.ly/2CdCooV Want More FOOD THEORY? You\'ve Been SCAMMED! (Supermarket Secrets) ► https://youtu.be/EqviBPG2uPE Tootsie Pops, How Many Licks? ► https://youtu.be/qOS5NAdyWDw Never Order McDonald\'s Medium Fries! ► https://youtu.be/c_jnZkVlNtw Kool Aid Man Is A Marvel Villain! ► https://youtu.be/CuZ14w_g3WA Don\'t Trust Your Cake! ► https://youtu.be/dulS3GGiJ7M Join our other Theorist Communities! Game Theory! ► http://bit.ly/1qV8fd6 Film Theory! ► http://bit.ly/1dI8VBH Need Royalty Free Music for your Content? Try Epidemic Sound. Get A 30 Day Free Trial! ► http://share.epidemicsound.com/theFoodTheorists Credits: Writers: Matthew Patrick, Schyler Martin, and Luke Barats Editors: Danial \"BanditRants\" Keristoufi, Tyler Mascola, and Forrest Lee Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy Sound Editor: Yosi Berman #ValentinesDay #Aphrodisiac #Love #LovePotion #Chocolate #FoodScience #FoodTheory #Food #Recipe #Matpat #GameTheory #FilmTheory'
Tags: Recipe , dessert , chocolate , chocolate cake , dessert recipe , Cake , sugar , romantic , chocolate recipe , dinner recipe , alton brown , valentine's day , valentine , film theory , matpat , binging with babish , Game Theory , food theorists , food theory , eat the menu , food science , valentines day , oysters , without a recipe , LOVE FOOD , aphrodisiac , oyster recipe , Love Potion , science of food , Valentine's day recipe , do aphrodisiacs work , science of aphrodisiacs , romanic recipe , taste science
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