'► Subscribe for more || http://bit.ly/GWR-Subscribe ► Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs Watch as Joe Calderon, Creative Chef at Serendipity 3 uses exclusive and extravagant ingredients to make this luxurious record breaking $1000 desert. The Serendipity Golden Opulence Sundae held the record for the most expensive dessert with a price of $1,000 from September 2004 until November 2007 The current record holder for The most expensive dessert is The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate ice cream sundae costing $25,000, also created by Serendipity 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Guinness World Records we want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something, and we’re here to measure it! Whether you’ve got the stretchiest skin, know the world’s smallest dog or want to create the largest human dominoes chain we want to hear about it. Here on the Guinness World Records YouTube channel we want to showcase incredible talent. If you\'re looking for videos featuring the world\'s tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you\'re in the right place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website || http://bit.ly/GWR-Website Facebook || http://bit.ly/GWR-FB Twitter || http://bit.ly/GWR-TW Instagram || http://bit.ly/GWR-Insta Snapchat || http://bit.ly/GWR-SC TikTok || http://bit.ly/GWR-TT #GWR #GuinnessWorldRecords #worldrecord'
Tags: dessert , ice cream , record , 2017 , dessert recipes , Guinness World Records , world record , most expensive things in the world , ice cream cake , Guinness Records , World Record Book , record book , serendipity 3 , Guinness Book , record breakers , Officially Amazing , デザート , golden opulence sundae , Guinness , GWR , guinness buch der rekorde , ギネス世界記録 , ギネス , lo show dei record , Expensive ice cream , expensive things , $1000 dessert , expensive ice cream vs cheap , expensive ice cream in the world , 高級 , 高額
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