'Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/NalifGames Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NalifGames Download Ib: http://vgboy.dabomstew.com/other/ib.htm When young Ib visits an art gallery together with her family, the least of her worries is to get lost, right? This happens. But still; this is the least of her worries. Her world is turned upside down when the gallery comes to life, trapping her within a space where the exhibitions are malevolent, and do not take kindly to intruders. Ib must escape this horror-filled museum before her sanity slips or the gallery traps her there forever.'
Tags: Horror , Gameplay , video , gaming , game , games , gamer , commentary , scary , let's play , playthrough , ZOMBIE , Nathan , survival horror (media genre) , Zombies , IB , Nalif , RPG Maker
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