'#twa #bigchop #blackhair #naturallyasabi Hello! Thank you for tuning in! My Name is Asabi (uh-sha-bee) and as of March 1, 2020 I started my Natural Hair Journey. In this video I will be walking you through step by step on how to make aloe vera gel at home. Its simple easy and will last up to about a week in the refrigerator without any preservatives. Aloe Vera is excellent for you hair, skin, digestive system and many more. I will be using this mixture for my hair. On this channel I will be sharing tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy scalp, how your lifestyle can affect your hair growth, daily haircare routines, different styling tips, how to keep healthy hair and many more! Tune in
Tags: how to , tutorial , diy , diy projects , aloe vera , natural hair , hair food , 4a hair , hair care , black hair , type 4 hair , natural hair journey , low porosity hair , natural hair growth , short natural hair , type 4 natural hair , aloe vera gel , benefits of aloe vera , aloe vera for hair , aloe vera plant , ALOE VERA GEL FOR HAIR , aloe vera gel for hair growth , hair food for hair growth , homemade aloe vera gel , how to make aloe vera gel at home , diy aloe vera gel , aloe vera gel diy
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