'The salty, slippery Dutch new herring rules Scheveningen in the Netherlands, so much so that the fish adorns the town’s flag. The raw fish is brined for up to a year before being served to customers who swallow the herring skinned and whole. Back in Amsterdam, the herring is prepared a bit differently—chopped up and served on a plate. But any way you like it, it’s a delicious, nutritious Dutch delicacy. We’re dishing up more weird and wonderful foods in our latest season of Try It You’ll Like It. Check out past episodes here: https://greatbig.is/2NRMUas SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/vR6Acb #Holland #Herring #Food This story is a part of our Flavors series, where we do so much more than play with our food. Come with us as we dive into deliciously different and tastefully off-beat stories in the culinary world. Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: http://goo.gl/2KABeX Make our acquaintance on Facebook: http://goo.gl/Vn0XIZ Give us a shout on Twitter: http://goo.gl/sY1GLY Come hang with us on Vimeo: http://goo.gl/T0OzjV Visit our world directly: http://www.greatbigstory.com'
Tags: delicious , Food , fun , Raw , Documentary , Weird , dutch , netherlands , holland , fish , Nutritious , customers , great big story , gbs , lag , docs , herring , Weird & Fun Knowledge , food & drink , Raw fish , slurp , delicacy , fishy , scheveningen , try it you'll like it
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