'If you\'re new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Mashed After watching countless Gordon Ramsay tirades on Kitchen Nightmares, you probably wonder what the notorious culinary perfectionist actually eats on a day-to-day basis. Scallops? Beef Wellington? Salmon en Croute? The truth is actually a lot more down-to-Earth. Here\'s a look at what Gordon Ramsay really eats, and a few of the things he simply won\'t... Basic breakfast | 0:19 Small bits | 0:56 Guilty pleasures | 1:16 His last meal | 1:51 No airplane food | 2:13 His favorite libations | 2:44 Off-limits | 3:10 Read more here → http://www.mashed.com/118762/gordon-ramsay-really-eats/ Famous Names In Food https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ Famous Chefs You Wouldn\'t Want To Know In Real Life https://youtu.be/ZRSzcY7hJx8?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ Foods You\'re Not Buying At Aldi But Should Be https://youtu.be/2nS3eO-Tvtw?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ One Of McDonald\'s Most Expensive Failures Is Back https://youtu.be/zHsfvvX8R4c?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ This Is What The Queen Eats In A Day https://youtu.be/sVYtMouXXe0?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ Foods The Oldest People In The World Swear By https://youtu.be/7hTjn7dghDU?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ The Untold Truth Of PF Changs https://youtu.be/0TAiGpzmpUw?list=PLPMzwYshqWNO9EBvw9bfyueQYsjJWHHa_ Website → http://www.mashed.com/ Like us → https://www.facebook.com/MashedFood/ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/mashedfood/ Pinterest → https://www.pinterest.com/mashedfood/ Mashed is the ultimate destination for food lovers. Whether you\'re just learning how to cook or ready to take your kitchen skills to the next level, Mashed has all the tips and tricks you\'ll ever need to be a chef… Or at least enough hacks to help you fake it til you make it. We’ve got your back at every step, from grocery shopping smarts to serving a perfectly prepared dish. Would you rather eat out than whip it up yourself? Mashed has all the info you’ll need for that, too — from the best and worst foods to order at your favorite restaurants, to what today’s most popular chefs really have up their sleeves. No matter what kind of foodie you are, Mashed has your recipe for success.'
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