'Abstract A 60 days feeding trial was conducted on magur, Clarias batrachus fingerlings (10.85 ± 0.14 g), fed six isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) diets were: diet T1, fish meal (FM), mustard meal (MM) and cooked rice (CR); diet T2, MM and soybean meal (SM); diet T3, FM, MM and CR; diet T4, equal amounts of FM, MM and groundnut meal (GNM); diet T5, MM, SF and GNM:CR (1:1) and diet T6, MM, SF and GNM:CR (1:2). Fish were stocked in triplicate (100 fish/25 m2 earthen tanks) and fed thrice daily (09:00, 13:00 and 18:00 hrs) to apparent satiation. At the end, fish fed diet T6 exhibited the significantly Introduction The overall growth in aquaculture production remains relatively strong owing to the increasing demand for food fish among most producing countries. Between 1980 and 2014, world aquaculture production volume increased at an average rate of 8.6 percent per year. World food fish aquaculture production more than doubled from 32.4 million tonnes in 2000 to 73.8 million tonnes in 2014 [1] . Clarias batrachus is recognized as an important candidate species for aquaculture, as it meets many economic criteria for a candidate species. Its hardy nature to adverse ecological conditions enables its culture with high stocking densities at a production up to 100 tons per hectare [2]. Nutrition is the most expensive component in the intensive aquaculture industry, where it represents over 50% of operating costs. Moreover protein itself represents about 50% of feed cost in intensive culture, therefore, the selection of proper quantity and quality of dietary protein is a necessary tool for successful aquaculture practices [3] . Plant protein sources, which are more consistently available and cheaper to produce than fish meal/other animal proteins, have been extensively used in combination with fish meal in aquafeeds. Among the plant protein sources considered, soya flour has been preferentially used for replacement of fish meal due to its high protein content, fairly balanced amino acid profile [4, 5] and global presence. In many parts of India, groundnut (peanut) and mustard oil cake are used as dietary protein source in fish feed. Though these are highly palatable and has better binding properties for pelleting than soybean meal [6], there use in fish feed is limited because of low lysine and methionine contents, and inconsistent supply [7, 6] . The present study was investigated to observe the effects of feeding soybean meal (SBM), groundnut meal (GNM), mustard meal and cooked rice (CR) with or without fish meal (FM), on growth performance, feed utilization and carcass composition of Clarias batrachus fingerling. magur fish feed price deshi magur fish feed cheaf catfish food floating fish feed floating catfish food Fish Pellet Food Pellet Fish Feed Fish Feed Channel Catfish catfish growth time catfish garming magurfish farming catfish growth stages catfish growth chart Absolute Growth of catfish Feeding Catfish in Commercial Ponds Catfish nutrition FEEDING FISH clips on Feed utilization fish mea groundnut mea mustard meal soybean meal Welcome to \"clips on\". Videos on this channel come out every week for more videos. Share, support, subscribe Subscribe to this channel and share these videos in social network. Write in the comments your opinion. And also puts Like. Thanks for watching.....…. https://www.youtube.com/c/CLIPS ON #hybrid_magur #clips_on #catfish #magur_fish #fish_feed'
Tags: fish meal , feeding fish , Fish feed , Feeding Catfish in Commercial Ponds , catfish growth time , ikan lele , clips on , magur fish feed price , catfish growth stages , cheaf catfish food , floating fish feed , floating catfish food , Fish Pellet Food , Pellet Fish Feed , Channel Catfish , catfish garming , magurfish farming , catfish growth chart , Absolute Growth of catfish , Catfish nutrition , Feed utilization , groundnut meal , mustard meal , soybean meal , deshi magur fish feed
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