'I Ate MY Food In Alphabetical Order For 24 Hours, KOLKATA | INDIA Hi Everyone, Today I will do another food challenge video. THIS IS A FULL DAY OF EATING VLOG WHERE I ATE FOOD IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER IN 24 HOURS. CHECK THE VIDEO TO FIND IF I FOUND ALL THE LETTER !! #IonlyatefoodInalphabeticalorderfor24Hours #foodchallengeindia #eatingchallenge Lipstick I am Wearing : LIPBALM MAYBELLINE HIGHLINE WINE MY BENGALI CHANNEL : BONG INFINITE STYLE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMuu3NlEGTWRRM8o-AaEASg Videos You Might Like to watch : How To Choose The Right Foundation Shade|Beginner| Indian Skin Tone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PBXkW1lAt4 If you like this video, Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and give a Thumbs up to my video. Share this video with your friends if you like :) - it is FREE and will really mean a lot to me :) Copyright:- Everything you see on this video was created by me (Payel Deshmukh/BeautyInfinite) unless otherwise stated. Please do not use any photos or content without first asking permission Thank you so much for watching this video. Loads of love to everyone. Spread the happiness around DISCLAIMER: The products mentioned in the video are purchased by my own money. NOTHING IS SPONSORED This video does not intend to hurt anyone\'s feelings or sentiments. CAMERA USED: DSLR: Cannon EOS 750D / Cannon G7X MARK2 You can follow me at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/payel_deshmukh1/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Beauty-Infinite-979568885471067/timeline Twitter: https://twitter.com/PayelDeshmukh Lotz of Love, Payel xoxo :) Fluffing a Duck by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/fluffing-a-duck Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/yQjAF3frudY'
Tags: Cooking , fun , vlog , behind the scene , bloopers , Food Vlog , comedy video , food challenge india , food eating competition , hindi vlog , kolkata vlog , hindi food challenge , FULL DAY EATING VLOG , food eating challenge india , I only ate MY FOOD IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER FOR 24 HOURS , i ate food in alphabetical order for 24 hours , i ate food in alphabetical order , eating food in alphabetical order , FOOD EATING VLOG , 2 MIN MAGGIE EATING , ALPHABETICAL ORDER FOOD CHALLENGE
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