'Farmers Cooperative Mangoor Fish Feeding Pond | Fighter Magur fish Food the Hungry. Pond preparation For grow out of C. batrachus, small ponds of size 0.02 – 0.1 ha is preferred. The water depth is to be maintained at 0.50 – 1.0 m. The pond should have a suitable slope of 1:2 – 1:3, and height of the dyke should be above 100 cm from the water level. C. batrachus moves from one pond to another pond especially during the rainy season. So, the pond has to be constructed in such a way to prevent this migration. The pond is prepared similar to carp grow out pond. The unwanted or predatory fishes and their eggs are eradicated by using the mahua oil cake 2500kg or bleaching power 350 kg. The agricultural lime 200 – 250 kg is added when the soil pH is above 6. Stocking density Commercially, most of the farmers stock about 200 fingerlings, although the recommended stocking density rate is less than half of it 50 – 70m2. Feeding An improved growth and survival is obtained with a size of 3 – 5 g of C. batrachus. Feeding is adjusted according to the weight of the fish twice in a month. Fishmeal based compound feed with 30 – 32 percent is preferred for C. batrachus. The fingerlings are fed two rations at 3 – 5 percent of body weight. It attains marketable size about 100 to 150g in 10 – 12 months. Harvest is done by hand picking method after complete dewatering of the pond. An average production is 2 – 3 tons in 10 – 12 months. Health management Mortality due to the bacterial and fungal pathogens are often associated with environmental stress. The CIFAX, potassium permanganate and Oxytetracycline are used to manage the infection. Subscribe to my Channel and share these videos in social network. Write in the comments your opinion. And also puts like . Thanks for watching'
Tags: feed , Business , farming , Agriculture , feeding , live fish , fighter fish , feed the poor , Feed The Hungry , fish food , baby fish , pond , feeder , Fish Pond , Magur fish , Fish Pellets , Feed the Need , Mangoor fish , feed India , feedbag , fighter magur fish food the hungry , feed mill , Farmers Cooperative Mangoor Fish Feeding Pond
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