!['SOME OF THE BEST CANNED FOODS FOR EMERGENCY FOOD STORAGE [Prepping 365: #331]'](https://cdn-img01.foodbestblog.com/images/41-m/439/439164.jpg)
'In today\'s video, I show some of the best canned foods for food storage purposes. Remember to store foods that you actually eat and always experiment with different canned foods. Use canned foods in your regular everyday meals and rotate your foods as often as you can. Canned foods can last longer than the expiration date, just make sure you\'re checking for any dents or any other signs that the can is no longer viable. Get yer t-shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/rogue-preparedness-store-2 PO Box: Rogue Preparedness PO Box 34861 San Antonio, TX 78265 Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/roguepreparedness Sign up for my weekly newsletter: https://t.co/mvZ9lLvuc8 Preparedness Planner: http://roguepreparedness.com/preparedness-planner/ Check out my website for blog, eBooks, training & more: http://roguepreparedness.com Follow me on Facebook and Instagram: http://www.facebook.com/roguepreparedness http://www.instagram.com/roguepreparedness #ConquerTomorrow #Prepper #Preparedness #EmergencyPreparedness #DisasterPreparedness #Prepping'
Tags: prepping food , food storage , Emergency Preparedness , canned food , food pantry , prepper food , disaster preparedness , emergency food storage , Canned Food Storage , prepareness food , best canned foods , disaster food storage
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