'http://pushbacknow.net/2010/11/28/senate-s-510-push-back-hard-this-bill-would-potentially-make-gardening-saving-seeds-and-organic-foods-illegal/ \"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.\" -Edmund Burke Our Senators are home... it\'s time for the Folks to tell them to Vote No on S. 510. Even Dr. Coburn\'s well-intentioned amendment does not go far enough to protect local, organic, family, community food production and distribution! The amendment to which the sponsors and Sen Tester agreed reduces the exempt territory from 400 to 275 miles from the farm. THIS IS A CONTINUING PUSH BACK AGAINST SOFT TYRANNY!NOW WE MUST CONTACT THE SENATORS AT HOME! Last November Just 150,000 emails held the bill in committee for nearly a year; THIS WEEK WE EXCEEDED 5,000 EMAILS AN HOUR... FOR MANY HOURS!WE NEED EVEN MORE PUSH BACK RIGHT NOW! NO - We do not support any version of the fake \"food safety\" bill and will work to defund any bill that is adopted and signed into law! Please visit: http://pushbacknow.net/2010/11/28/senate-s-510-push-back-hard-this-bill-would-potentially-make-gardening-saving-seeds-and-organic-foods-illegal/'
Tags: for , cdc , bill , Dangerous , WTO , dhs , fao , 501 , America!
See also: