'Deep Dish Ep19: Off Topic! Super Bowl Food & Spoiled Rich Baby!'

'Deep Dish Ep19: Off Topic! Super Bowl Food & Spoiled Rich Baby!'
50:53 Jul 8, 2021
'Neither of us watch football, but that didn’t stop us from discussing the greatness that is Super Bowl party food!  We also go really off topic with a segment of Poor Taste about perhaps the most spoiled human being on Earth, then bring it all back to food with a dumbfounding Shitty Old Recipe.     Highlights include... -A brief discussion of cozy cold weather foods inspired by the recent blizzard in NY.   -A look at each state’s unique Super Bowl food searches for this year.  -The roasting of a spoiled douchebag who’s sad he couldn’t go two Hawaii for the second time in 6 months, during a pandemic. (We had to break out the crying baby sound effect for this one!) -A truly baffling Shitty Old Recipe.  ---------------------------------------------------------------  Deep Dish is a podcast where Erik and Meg of Poor Couple\'s Food Guide do a deep-dive on some of your favorite foods! In comedic fashion, they explore the earliest origins of a dish, its ongoing history, and what people are doing with it in modern times.  Pleeease spread the word if you can! Introduce your friends to it! We could all use a good laugh in today’s world, and this show should do the trick! If you can convince one of your friends to start listening, let us know! We might send you a present! Like cookies, or hell, maybe we\'ll Paypal you $5 bucks! (Probably not, but hey, you never know.)  With recurring columns like Shitty Old Recipes, Review Roast, and WTF Is This?, there\'s plenty of laughs to be had. No. Really. This is an entertainment show first, and history lesson second. But who knows, you might learn a thing or two! Guess next week\'s topic in the comments, and you\'ll receive a shoutout on the show!  Until next time, stay hungry, peeps!  Parental advisory: Contains strong language.  RSS Link for your favorite player: https://feed.podbean.com/poorcouplesfoodguide/feed.xml Email our mailbag: mail@poorcouplesfoodguide.com Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/poorcouplesfoodguide/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poorcouplesfoodguide/ Visit the PCFG website at http://www.poorcouplesfoodguide.com' 

Tags: comedy , Food , podcast , New York , long island , comedy podcast , super bowl , food trivia , food show , pub food , food history , Food Comedy , Super Bowl Food , history podcast , food podcast , poor couples food guide , superb owl , super bowl food by state , spoiled assholes , manchild , rich douchebags

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