'Stationery fast food'

'Stationery fast food'
04:02 Jun 7, 2021
'This is stop motion cooking. I am glad if you can feel ASMR. There are eating scenes. This video contains the sound of eating. This video includes the scenes of breaking, cutting, tearing, squeezing, baking and frying. This is not a cooking recipe. This is useless to learn cooking Safe for kids to see. I want to make comfortable video, sound, timing, and tempo that works for the autonomic nervous system. I\'m glad if this video encourages your sleep.   This video is not CG (computer graphics). This video is made up of 2698 photos. All photos have not been modified by image processing software such as Photoshop. This is called stop motion animation.' 

Tags: art , asmr , animation , CRAZY , Humour , relaxing , Surrealism , humor , stupid , 音フェチ , Harvard , Stop Motion Cooking , Fool , stopmotioncooking , ストップモーションクッキング , cuisson stop motion , relaxant , surréalisme , stupide , imbécile , ハーバード大学 , 足し算

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