'Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System - Dr. John Bergman D.C. & Jeannine Stewart'

'Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System - Dr. John Bergman D.C. & Jeannine Stewart'
50:15 Feb 2, 2024
'Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System  Learn the benefits of consuming Lacto-fermented foods! Bacteria is important - there are two types, Pathogenic (BAD) bacteria and then there are good bacteria. If we disinfect everything then we might wipe out the precious good bacterias. Coconut oil is a great anti-microbial and it is natural!  What we need to do is promote health in the body - not the ridding of bacteria - the good will eventually overcome the bad! 80% of your immune system is in your gut - when we use certain shots and anti bacteria\'s we wash out the precious bacterias. The things that kill gut bacteria lead to cancers.   ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@DrJohnBergman:1 LBRY TV: https://lbry.tv/@DrJohnBergman:1 Dr. B VIP website: https://www.drbvip.com/ BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/johnbergman/  What is Extreme Health Academy? - https://www.extremehealthacademy.com  USE CODE: BERGMAN14 TO START YOUR FREE 14 DAY TRIAL.  With the world becoming increasingly toxic and the incredible lack of knowledge regarding appropriate healthcare, it has never been more important to take charge of your health and your life.  The Extreme Health Academy is a website that\'s full of information to help you learn exactly what you must do to survive and thrive in this world.    Best of all this website is a community of people ready to help others on the road to optimal health with features like an online forum, live workshop, podcasts, monthly video courses a supporting community, and much more!  To Date...  Academy Content Count: 647 videos, 145 hours, 48 minutes, 17 seconds. Academy Forum Count: Total Topics – 1,468. Total Posts – 7,448.  Here\'s a snapshot of some of our courses...  - Your Roadmap to Health - Sacred Sexuality by Miss Jaya - Best Skin Ever! - Unbreakable Bones - Liver Rescue - Whole Body Restorative Exercises - Diabetes Mastery - Adrenal Health Recovery 101 - Deep Sleep Mastery - Heart Health Optimization - Autoimmune Disease Solutions - Prevent & Heal Cancer Naturally! - Build Invincible Immunity! - The Hormone Optimization Course - The Complete Digestion Course - Your Nervous System! - The 3 Stressors - Getting the Healing Process Started - Yoga For Healing  Get ready to start taking control of your health!  https://www.extremehealthacademy.com  USE CODE: BERGMAN14 TO START YOUR FREE 14 DAY TRIAL.  ___  Dr. Bergman\'s D.C. Website: https://drjohnbergman.com/   Dr. Bergman\'s D.C. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/drjohnbergman/   Dr. Bergman\'s D.C. Clinic: http://bergmanchiropractic.com     714-962-5891   Office Hours: Monday             5:15 am - 6:00 pm Tuesday            6:30 am - 6:00 pm Wednesday      5:15 am - 6:00 pm Thursday          5:15 am - 6:00 pm Friday                6:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday           Closed  Sunday             Closed   Dr. Bergman D.C. is available for Skype and Phone consultations which you can schedule by using the link below: https://drjohnbergman.com/online-consultations/booking-consultations/  For Media and Business Inquires contact: support@drjohnbergman.com' 

Tags: Organic , cure , BACTERIA , chiropractic , fermented foods , enzymes , healthy gut , Helth , prevention nutrition , johnbchiro , true health , askdrjohnbergman , Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System

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