'0:00 Today Rob Riches is joined by Chris McCarthy from Jump Rope Fit, a world-class jump roper that has transformed the lives of thousands around the world through his high intensity jump rope training technique. It\'s amazing what you can do to transform your body with just a jump rope and a set of dumbbells, training both strength and cardio, without having to waste time on treadmill or elliptical. 1:20 Workout Info - 5 Mins Jump Rope (variations throughout) - 5 Exercises circuit Fashion - 10 Reps each exercise - 3 Rounds Workout 2:50 Round 1 - Jump Rope 8:07 Dumbbell Exercise Circuit: 8:25 Exercise #1: Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift 9:18 Exercise #2: Dumbbell Arnold Press 10:01 Exercise #3: Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 11:17 Exercise #4: Dumbbell Alternate Curl 11:54 Exercise #5: Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension 12:53 Round 2 - Jump Rope 18:22 Round 2 - Dumbbell Circuit 23:10 Round 3 - Jump Rope 28:50 Round 3 - Dumbbell Circuit 32:40 Congratulations, these workouts are designed to challenge you, push you, and get your bodies working like they should. 33:09 Jump Rope Training Info & Progressions 33:58 Follow Chris @Jump Rope Fit https://youtube.com/JumpRopeFit
Tags: full body workout , fat burning workout , follow along workout , jump rope workout , jump rope , dumbbell workout , follow along , cardio and strength workout , rob riches , Muscle building workout , mcfit , jump rope dudes , fat burning jump rope workout , blue star nutraceuticals , jump rope training , muscle building jump rope workout , follow along jump rope workout , chris mccarthy , mcfit method , jump rope fit , jump rope and dumbbells
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