'您是否患有心脏病? 观看我们的心脏教育系列视频可以帮助您应对疾病、坚持运动、健康饮食、心情舒畅并更好地管理您的健康。 我们的视频系列是由多伦多康复中心(UHN)的心血管预防和康复计划的医疗团队与悉尼大学共同合作开发。 特别感谢Wendan Shi女士、Gabriela Melo Ghisi博士、Ling Zhang博士和 Robyn Gallagher教授对本项目做出的重大贡献。 免责声明 1.此视频仅供参考。它不能取代医生对您的建议或治疗。 2. 在开始运动计划之前,请先咨询您的医生。 停止进行任何会引起疼痛的运动,并告诉您的医护团队。 3. 大学医疗网络(UHN)的心血管预防与康复计划不推荐或宣传任何特定的药物。药品名称仅供参考。请向您的医生咨询哪种药物适合您。 Are you living with heart disease? Watch this cardiac education series to help you treat your disease, get active, eat healthy, feel well, and take control of your health. This video series was developed by the healthcare team at the Toronto Rehab - UHN Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation program in collaboration with the University of Sydney. Special thanks to Wendan Shi MH RN, Gabriela Melo Ghisi PT PhD, Ling Zhang PhD and Professor Robyn Gallagher RN PhD for their significant contributions to this project. Disclaimer 1. This video is for information only. It does not replace advice or treatment from your doctor. 2. Talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Stop doing any exercise that causes pain and tell your healthcare team. 3. UHN’s Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program does not recommend or endorse any specific medicines. Brand names are listed for information only. Talk to your doctor about what medicine is right for you. Learn more: https://www.healtheuniversity.ca/zh/CardiacCollege/Pages/default.aspx'
Tags: Health , heart , canada , heart health , Diabetes , toronto , hospital , tri , cardiology , ontario , TGH , Toronto Rehab Institute , UHN , University Health Network , Princess Margaret Cancer Centre , Princess Margaret Hospital , PMH , Toronto General Hospital , Toronto Western Hospital , TWH
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