'We venture out to Llama Inn in Williamsburg to try out anticuchos de corazon, also known as beef heart. Anticuchos are a popular street food, unique to Peru. Erik Ramirez, owner of Llama Inn, gives us a behind-the-scenes look into his kitchen, lets us try his famous anticuchos and talks to us about why he was inspired to serve traditional Peruvian cuisine with a modern, New York-style twist. In the video, we\'ll also expand upon the history behind anticuchos and how the food became an ingrained part of Peruvian culture. For more, visit: https://www.instagram.com/llamainnnyc/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/LLAMAINNNYC/ MORE MEAT LOVERS CONTENT: How The Most Expensive Ham In LA Tastes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOKLYvcTDt4 How Katz’s Became The Most Legendary Deli In NYC | Legendary Eats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLt5cKJelis How To Get LA\'s Best Underground Barbecue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg8ORn9zSfE ------------------------------------------------------ #Beef #PeruvianFood #FoodInsider INSIDER is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire. Visit us at: https://www.insider.com Subscribe to our channel: http://insder.co/Food FOOD INSIDER on Facebook: https://insder.co/2O4gt7A FOOD INSIDER on Instagram: http://insder.co/2aywJtk FOOD INSIDER on Twitter: https://insder.co/2IahHsi INSIDER on Snapchat: https://insder.co/2KJLtVo INSIDER on Amazon Prime: https://insder.co/PrimeVideo INSIDER on Dailymotion: https://insder.co/2vmKnZv Peruvian Restaurant In NYC Serves Anticuchos'
Tags: INSIDER , New York , brooklyn , FOOD INSIDER , beef heart , Peruvian food , Williamsburg , anticuchos , Peruvian culture , llama inn , erik ramirez
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