Nov 10, 2022
'Hello everyone! In this video I show you how to make affordable beeswax wraps at home using fat quarters (1/4 of a yard pre-cut pieces of fabric) and some beeswax mixture. I used a couple of Swizzle & Friends\' beeswax blocks - https://www.amazon.co.uk/block-beeswax-jojoba-mixture-making/dp/B07MFQ9SJB/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Swizzle+and+friends&qid=1592948115&sr=8-1 I also ended up making 5 different wraps and I\'m also selling packs on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/823894859/vegetable-patch-beeswax-wraps-eco?ref=shop_home_active_17 Once you\'ve made them you can wrap anything from avocados to big bowls. In order to clean them all you have to do is wash them quickly with cold water and detergent. Not suitable to put in a microwave. Hope you enjoy making these and please let me know in the comments below how you found the process! - Maria Music by Chillhop Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X3SzCtyhU8 (00:08:42 No Spirit - Slightly Improvised)'See also: