'Well believe it or not learning how to make meals in prison can save you life or put you on the chopping block literally...today I break down the does and don\'ts on cooking in prison depending on where you are at...and at the same time show you how different a poor man eats rather then the rich in prison! Links on how EXACTLY to cook these meals below! https://youtu.be/yGASHrSDFRo If you enjoyed this video please do not forget to hit that LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button. I don\'t want you missing a thing! *!CHANNEL MERCHANDISE!* https://teespring.com/stores/lockdown-231 *!THE BEST GAMING CHAIR I EVER BOUGHT LINK BELOW!* https://secretlab.co/?rfsn=3157654.108067&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3157654.108067 *!FOLLOW ME ON!* TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/deathibring757 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/deathibring/ MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf7Y_QwjdVH-tQ97yPGQaPA HAND CRAFTED ARTWORK I SELL: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Lockdown23and1 ALL MUSIC ON THIS CHANNEL CREATED BY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyJBX028Gk5v80u2irL7Gw MY INTRO CREATED BY: https://instagram.com/collinsvisual?igshid=xwfpkh86z1io MY MAILING ADDRESS PO. BOX 6826 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. 23456 Please keep in mind that all things created in my videos or spoke about is mine or others personal experiences in prison it is strictly for entertainment and educational purposes only.'
Tags: Cooking , Recipes , youtuber , meals , vlogging , Google , swole , crime , jail , prison , prison food , prison meals , prison stories , followme , Lockup , convict , felon , prisonfood , prison cooking , prison recipes , excon , jail stories , 23and1 , lockdown23and1 , behindbars , hardtime , prison youtuber , Chefdeath , Prisoncooking , Prisonrecipes
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