Sep 12, 2022
'Join Lizzie for a an easy, extra sticky, beeswax wrap DIY tutorial. Wax dipped and oven baked wax wraps for an easy way to make multiple beeswax wraps. Wax wraps can be used to substitute plastic wraps and plastic bags. I\'ll also show you how to fold your wax wraps into adorable lunch bags for picnics, school, work, or other eco-friendly food storage options. A tip I discovered after recording this video and watching my other videos is to leave the wraps in the over with the door open so that they stay melted while pulling then apart. I kept taking them out of the oven and then they cooled and stuck together. I\'ve made these in the past, and show the full recipe in these 2 videos below: https://youtu.be/GfVn2-XTgnA https://youtu.be/sAXc2PY_sWw Easy ingredients: pure beeswax, pine resin, and organic coconut oil. The fabric is 100% cotton. Add more pine resin to make your wraps more sticky. #waxwraps #beeswaxwraps #zerowaste #ecofriendly Harbour Honey Online Store: https://www.harbourhoney.ca Donate to the Channel (get your name on a hive!): https://harbourhoney.ca/donate/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harbourhoneybee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harbourhoneybee Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@beesandbikinis Trailer & Intro song by Joe Laurence: \"Busy Little Bees\" https://www.youtube.com/user/thelaurenceboys Knitwear (Dubbele Dutch Arts & Crafts): http://www.dubbeledutch.com/ Glasses: https://www.clearly.ca Why Beekeeping in a Bikini or casual wear? Join me as I bee keep in a bikini or bathing suit (swimsuit) to show EVERYONE that bees are not as scary as you might think they are. This is not a strategy to gain subscribers, but a way to show people that bees are not something to fear, but something to embrace! Bees are kind and gentle creatures, and will only sting you if they feel threatened. I will try my best to teach you new things, show you crafts, and let you in on some beekeeping secrets for beginner beekeepers and experts alike! Bees are so fascinating! You\'ll enjoy inspecting hives with me, making wax wraps, lip balm, candles, and other crafts. Saving the bees is a crucial part the job of a caring beekeeper. Bringing awareness to the threats to our pollinators, and to try our best to educate and teach others (even if you are just a bee advocate) is the best thing we can do to bring the bees back! I\'m noticing an increase in bumblebees, butterflies, birds, moths, and other creatures has been a noticeable change in my community. Woman beekeeping at its best in Ontario, Canada. Located on Georgian Bay, find adventure in the great outdoors. Timestamp: 0:00 Intro & Crazy Little Bees Song 0:43 Tips and Tricks for Making Beeswax Wraps 2:56 Laying Wax Wraps for Oven Baking 3:55 Oven Baking Beeswax Wraps 8:17 Beeswax Wrap Snack Wrap Fold 9:36 More Oven Baking 12:52 Mini Beeswax Wraps 20:03 Crazy Little Bees Outro Song 20:25 Finishing Touches on Wax Wraps Time-lapse'
Tags: zero waste , reduce waste , beeswax wrap
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