'「いろんなサウンドロゴ〜食品〜」を英語に翻訳 ______ The best and the most difficult video from these series to work on. This is the end of the general series. If you wonder the names of JP Commercial Logos appeared in different compilations, you came right to the address. Worth watching to the end. I challenged myself to translate all 11 (bonus: 21) parts of a JP Commercial Logos comparison (Parts 1-9 by `, Part 10 by Oliver Todorovski and Part 11 by ` (bonus parts 12-21 by HorizonPoint). I improved my researches, so translates won\'t have any big mistakes I think... Some parts will be combined if they are short. Software used: my own knowledge (duh), Google Translate, Google Lens, Wikipedia (A LOT), and other Google and YouTube researches. I spent approximately 4.5 days making this video (3 days looking for info). Remember to share! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Content belongs to its owners. Javilen56 / RTR. Distinguished for the better. ©2015-2020 The Alliance Company. ©2018 The Kyoobur Company. ©2019-2020 The Former Kyoobur Company. All rights reserved.'
Tags: japanese commercial logos , japanese logos , translated japanese logos
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