'Starlings on Erva Bluebird feeder 2.1.21'

'Starlings on Erva Bluebird feeder 2.1.21'
03:01 May 14, 2022
'European Starling birds are very persistent and love meal worms.  Here you see a Starling clinging to the edges of an Erva Bluebird feeder.  I applied blue Duck Tape to the bottom two rows around the feeder.  The reason is to try and stop the larger birds from reaching into the bottom of the feeder to get meal worms.  There are gaps around the bottom of the feeder for water to drip out.  The tape works pretty good in that the larger birds only get scraps or meal worms that were kicked out of the glass cup in the middle of the inside of the feeder.  The smaller birds can fly through the cage into the feeder to eat meal worms or suet (if you use suet instead of meal worms).   If I did not have the Duct tape on this feeder the Starlings and Mockingbirds would eat a lot more of the meal worms.   There are plenty of Eastern Bluebirds almost every day that visit this feeder to eat meal worms and fly through the cage to get the food.  Also, Chickadee, Titmouse, Wrens, etc. and Catbirds, (when they return in spring).  The snow makes birds extra hungry because it\'s difficult to find food naturally.  I also use suet feeders throughout my yard which many birds use to eat food, including the Starlings, Woodpeckers, and many other birds.   I have two of these feeders in my yard.' 
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