'How does an English muffin get its springy texture? Find out in this scene from \"Bread for Success.\" Subscribe for more from Food Factory USA and other great FYI shows: http://mylt.tv/SubscribetoFYI Find out more about the show on our site: http://www.fyi.tv/shows/food-factory-usa?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FoodFactoryUSA Watch full episodes here: http://www.fyi.tv/shows/food-factory-usa/videos?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FoodFacUSAVid Check out exclusive FYI content: Website - http://www.fyi.tv/?cmpid=Social_YouTube_FYIHome Tumblr - http://fyi.tumblr.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FYI Twitter - https://twitter.com/FYI Instagram - https://instagram.com/FYI Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+FyiTv/posts/ Food Factory Season 2 Episode 1 Bread for Success From raw materials to finished products, FOOD FACTORY goes behind the scenes to reveal how our favourite foods are made: With a daily output of 14,000 two-inch candy balls, the tumbling room of a jawbreaker factory is so loud it sounds like a jet engine; every cup of Tim Hortons coffee starts at the company\'s mammoth roasting facility where super-sized grinders tackle thousands of pounds of beans per hour For your inspiration, for your imagination, and for your innovation, FYI embraces an adventurous, personalized and non-prescriptive approach to peoples\' taste, space, look, story and more. FYI covers a range of stories and experiences that reflect how people actually live their lives today, not defined by just one passion or interest. Visit us at FYI.tv for more info.'
Tags: Food , Show , Series , clips , muffins , Episodes , American food , food factory , food production , FYI , food show , food episodes , FYI shows , FYI tv , FYI channel , FYI television , FYI network , English muffin , how is it made , food factory usa , food factory show , food factory usa full episodes , food factory usa clips , making english muffin
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