Jan 30, 2022
'hey, WHATS UP GUYS! Today we will be eating TACO BELL in the MIDDLE OF THE WOODS. This is a special episode as we have here joining us sir Ethan, Max, Bryan, Connor, and Aidan to film. This was an extremely fun episode to film as we all had freezing hot sauce fingers by the end of the episode, but it was WORTH IT to get that sweet sweet footage! We give these tacos a 9/10 over Theta because they have just the perfect crunchiness score. Hope you guys enjoyed! My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DireSheep/featured Connors youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-fY-W7vQkQDxUy_egS6Bw Pewdiepies Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie My Merch: ____________________________________ My snapchat: eddieboy21tv My universe: Sector B35677 Cardinal 6'
Tags: video , game , food review , idubbbz
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