'Can food freedom help your acne'

09:23 Jan 22, 2022
'Hello Naturopathic Beauties and Welcome to the Naturopathic Beauty Class!  I\'m Dr. Stacy Shillington, a naturopathic doctor and I am here to help you maximize your beauty from the inside out. Clear your skin for good so that you can feel and look your best always.   Can food freedom help your acne? The surprising answer!  - Diets can be very stressful for some people, and stress triggers three different biochemical pathways in the body that lead to acne - So if going on an Elimination Diet or making huge diet shifts causes stress, it is not a great strategy - In some cases, food freedom can actually be more beneficial for some than jumping into a therapeutic diet. - But, based on tons of research and my own clinical experience, certain foods do aggravate acne, which is why food freedom is unlikely to get rid of your acne.  This is because certain foods aggravate the gut and cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to acne. - So how do you manage it when diets stress you out, but certain foods are aggravating your body? - 1.  Make small diet changes at a time - 2. Incorporate key supplements into your routine - 3.  Reduce stress - 2.  Change your mindset around diets  1.  Small changes: a. Eliminate one food at a time (I usually recommend cow dairy as the first one), take your time and get used to the changes OR make-over one meal at a time (ie. breakfast) b. Explore food substitutes (for dairy there are great nut milk, coconut yogurts, goat/sheep cheeses) c. Once you are comfortable with eliminating one food, you can move on and eliminate the next food 2. Explore incorporating key supplements into your regime.  Increasing detoxification support, helping balance insulin levels, healing the gut and the adrenal glands in an excellent way to help support your body and reduce acne 3. Reduce stress.  Obviously, reduce your exposure to things that cause you to stress, but also increase your physical and mental resilience to stress.  Physical - This includes getting enough sleep, exercise, relaxation, and nutrients.  Mental – have a strategy to manage stressful events, shift your perspective on life events 4. Shift your mindset around diets.  Diets are not meant to deprive you of foods you love, but to empower you to understand which foods nourish your body and uplevel your health, and which foods are actually making you sick and miserable.  The Acne Elimination Diet is a short-term diet designed to help you find out which foods are going to help you balance your body.  The idea is to heal your gut, balance your body so that you can tolerate more and more foods.  Bottom line: IF diets stress you out, food freedom maybe your initial strategy to keep your stress levels under control.  But if you have an imbalance in your body that is contributing to your acne, chances are that you do need to shift your diet.  But – do this slowly.  One thing at a time and work on other systems in your body at the same time.  I hope that helps.  This is such a sensitive topic and I would love to hear your thoughts.  Thank you so much!   xo,  Dr. Stacey ND  Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturopathi... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Naturopathic...  Don\'t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel! Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJN1...  For more information on how I can help you solve your acne for a good check out my 7-Week Clear Skin Program which has helped hundreds of women clear their acne: https://naturopathicbeau.kartra.com/page/sale-7-week-clear-skin-program' 

Tags: acne , anti aging , SKIN CARE TIPS , blemishes , anti aging tips , hormonal imbalance , pcos symptoms , acne problems , how to heal leaky gut , health skin , The acne elimination diet , how to cure my skin care problems , what are the acne treatments , how to be acne free , what are the clear skin tips , my skin care blog , about my gut health , tips for anti acne , adult acne tips , liver detox tips for me , how to heal my skin acne , pcos tips , naturopathic doctor for acne problems , skin coach

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