'Feed formulations Feeds used in commercial catfish production must contain adequate amounts of all essential nutrients to meet the fishes’ total nutritional requirements for normal growth and development. All catfish feeds are manufactured commercially; none are prepared on the farm. Manufacturers usually produce “least-cost” formulations rather than “fixed-formula” feeds. In least-cost feed formulation, the formulas vary as ingredient prices change. However, there are several limitations in the manufacture of catfish feed using least-cost formulations. • • There is a relatively small number of suitable feedstuffs. • There is a general lack of knowledge about the nutrient levels that result in maximum profit as opposed to maximum weight gain. • Feed mills lack the storage capacity to house a large number of different ingredients. Examples of feed formulations used to grow catfish at various life stages are given in Table 1 Warm weather feeding Fry and fingerlings When stocked into nursery ponds, catfish fry are tiny and are weak swimmers. They cannot move rapidly to areas where manufactured feeds are offered, which makes feeding difficult. The best way to ensure good growth and survival of newly stocked fry is to make sure that plenty of natural food is available in the nursery pond when the fish are stocked. Natural foods for catfish fry include large zooplankton (microfish when the fish are raised from 1 ⁄2 pound to 1 pound (Fig. 1). However, if the fish are raised from 2 to 21 ⁄2 pounds, 2.9 pounds of feed would be needed to grow 1 pound of fish. Larger fish use more energy for sexual maturation and reproduction than for growth, which increases the feed conversion ratio. Theoretically, the best biological feed conversion ratio occurs when fish are fed to or near satiation. However, in production ponds satiation feeding usually leads to poorer feed conversion than that seen in restricted feeding programs. This is mainly because more feed is wasted when fish are fed to satiation daily. Research with food fish demonstrates that feeding to satiation daily results in greater production and weight gain, but causes the feed conversion ratio to be higher than when fish are fed no more than 80 \"scopic crustaceans), insect larvae and insects. Zooplankton and insects eat plant material in the pond, so to produce them in abundance you must increase natural plant production by fertilizing the pond before fry are stocked. For pond fertilization guidelines, see “Optimizing Fry Pond Fertilization” by Charles Mischke and Paul Zimba (National Warmwater Aquaculture Center [NWAC] News, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2003, http://www.msstate.edu/dept/tcnwac/ Vol06No1Oct2003.pdf). Even though fry presumably meet their nutrient needs from natural food organisms, they are fed once or twice daily with a finely ground feed at a rate of 10 to 30 pounds per acre per day. Fry feed may be a secondary food source, as well as a fertilizer to keep the pond fertile, so it is not necessary to feed a high-protein feed as is used in the hatchery. Fines from regular 28% or 32% protein feeds for food fish are suitable for catfish fry during this phase. Some catfish producers do not feed the flour-type feeds, preferring feed crumbles or floating pellets that, though largely uneaten, break up in the water and help keep the pond fertile. After a few weeks, the fry will have grown into fingerlings 1 to 2 inches long and will come to the pond surface seeking food. Small fingerlings are typically fed once or twice daily to satiation using small floating pellets ( 1 ⁄8 inch in diameter) or crumble feeds containing 32% or 35% protein. Part of this ration is fish meal. Research shows that when fingerlings reach about 4 inches in length, a 28% protein feed is sufficient for maximum growth. Feeding twice daily may improve fingerling weight gain and production. Some producers feed fingerlings the same feed they feed to food fish. Fingerlings consume large feed pellets by nibbling on the feed after the pellets soften and begin to break up in the water. Fingerlings appear to grow well with this feeding method, but much of the feed’s nutrient value (especially micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals) is probably lost because of the extended time the pellet is in contact with the water\" Welcome to \"clips on\". Videos on this channel come out every week for more videos. Share, support, subscribe Subscribe to this channel and share these videos in social network. Write in the comments your opinion. And also puts Like. Thanks for watching.....…. https://www.youtube.com/c/CLIPS ON #survival_Hybrid_magur #pelleted_feeds #commercial_feed'
Tags: Fish feed , Catfish farming , Catfish nutrition , hybrid magur fish growth time , magur fish feed price , hybrid magur fish wikipedia , hybrid magur fish price per kg in india , hybrid magur fish farming in india , magur fish farming in cement tank , hybrid magur fish banned in india , Catfish Farming Information Guide , Culture of hybrid magur , Culture of African magur , Medicated Feeds for Hybrid Magur , Feeds for Aquaculture , feeding methods in fish farming , FeedWale , Feed and Feeding
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