'Hybride Magur Fish Farming Process In Asia || Catfish Eating Food In Village Pond This fish is one of the most common freshwater catfish in the Philippines where it is known as hito in the local language. In Indonesia, it is called lele and indian hybride magur A white variation with black patterns is commonly seen in the aquarium fish trade. The walking catfish has an elongated body shape and reaches almost 0.2 m (1 ft) in length and 1 kg (1.6 lb) in weight. Aquarium releases likely are responsible for introductions in other states. Dill and Cordone (1997) reported this species has been sold by tropical fish dealers in California for some time. They also have been spotted occasionally in the Midwest. It consumes the food supplies of native fish and preys on their young. It also is regarded as an invasive species because they can destroy fish farms. Incredible Indian Catfish Feeding Method Indian magur fish farming business Catfish Farming In Cement Tank In Asia hybrid magur fish farming in india Feeding Live Food To Catfish Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business In India Hybride Magur Fish Farming Process In Asia Indian Magur Farming Process Eating Food Indian Catfish Is Being Fed In The Village Pond Hybride Magur Fish Farming Process In Pond Culture #indian_catfish #lele #budidaya_lele #মাগুৰ মাছ #magur_mas #murgodu #dunique'
Tags: catfish eating , Deshi magur , Magur maach , Magur fish , Magur fish farming in India , Desi magur fish farming , Magur fish pond , Fish Farming Business , catfish feeding , hybrid magur hatchery , magur fish feeding , cara budidaya ikan lele , ikan lele , budidaya lele , hybrid magur fish farming reaksi lele liar , reaksi lele liar setelah di beri pakan ini , harvest the catfish , magur fish eating , catfish farming magur fish farming in india , magur catfish palan catfish
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