'I\'m SO EXCITED to be doing my first ever collab! In this video I try some interesting candy and Vegemite. Thank you so much to Lacey for sending me the items in this video! Lacey\'s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQRO8gjYUI If you liked this video please give it a THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE to see two new videos every week! Thank you so much for watching! LAST VIDEO: https://youtu.be/R6vAYvjTz84 ♫ Songs used in this video ♫ Tegan & Sara - Walking With A Ghost (Manila Killa Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPaxr3xDD0 NICOLE\'S SOCIALMEDIA Twitter: http://twitter.com/whateverxnicole Instagram: http://instagram.com/whateverxnicole Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nicole.Hernandez.youtube Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/user/121203403 Tags: Australia, Candy, Taste Test, Swap, Collab, Food, Sydney, Chocolate, United States of America, Lacey Jane, Beauty Guru, New, Youtuber, 2015, Nicole Hernandez --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANT TO COLLAB? Please send me a direct message on any of my social media, youtube inbox, or email and I will get back to you asap! :) xx'
Tags: new , funny , chocolate , collab , Sydney , candy , Food (TV Genre) , taste test , United States Of America (Country) , MELBOURNE , Perth , Brisbane , adelaide , milk , Australia (Country) , Vegemite (Food)
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