'#AustralianSnacks #ITryFoodForTheFirstTime #FoodChallenge Hi Guys!! Welcome back to my Youtube channel!! This video is probably the most fun ive had so far filming a video! I try Australian snacks for the first time and rate them for you guys!! Some were great some not so great... i try all of them on camera and you will get to see my reaction to all! Make sure to like, comment & subscribe!!! INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/naataliebelle/ Australian Snack Package: https://amzn.to/2xJmRLk Music promoted by 1HMNC - No Copyright Music Joakim Karud - Longing https://youtu.be/Dt4EhUL2Jwo Music by Joakim Karud : https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud'
Tags: snack , AUSTRALIA , shapes , australian , Snacks , for the first time , australian food , vegemite , allens , trying australian food for the first time , trying australian snacks for the first time , australian snacks , tim tams , americans try australian snacks , trying australian food , trying australian snacks , Americans Try Australian Snacks For The First Time , trying australian candy , Australian food taste test , Canadian tries Australian Snacks , Canadians try Australian snacks for the first time
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