'#nasilemak #kuliner #wisatakuliner #streetfood We talk Indonesian but there\'s always English subtitles! Just turn on the Captions. Singapore Hawker Centre, where you can find many cheap and delicious local food! Changi Village Hawker Centre 2 Changi Village Rd, Singapore 500002 Be my friends : https://www.instagram.com/christinadarwintv/ My Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/christinadarwintv Subscribe my channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLn7i-2fBFZrB2rCMjc4Eg?sub_confirmation=1'
Tags: fried chicken , street food , FOOD AND TRAVEL , nasi lemak , kuliner , wisata kuliner , ayam goreng , hawker centre singapore , nasi uduk , chicken chop for fun , Changi famous nasi lemak , Changi beach park , coastal walk
See also: