'Aquaculture catfish are a very popular source of protein as well as a healthy and delicious. Catfish farming is an easy and flexible agriculture based business that can also be profitable. Farming catfish can be done anywhere if you have a suitable place and you can either take care of the protein needs of your own family or sell it to make more profit. There are many species of catfish available in the market. The type of catfish you want to grow depends on what your target market is what your feeding plans are, and what size Cement Tank area you are thinking about setting up your farm on. 15 by 20 feet indoor fish farm it is homemade ras making cement fish tank like as mini pond. There are 15 thousand Hybrid Magur (Catfish) seeds in this ras fish pond. Cement Fish Tank Dimension 15x20 feet and height 6 feet. In India Catfish are generally cultured in earthen ponds at relatively high densities. The intensive culture system requires that the fish be fed a nutritionally complete diet that provides nutrients and energy for optimum growth and feed efficiency. Feed ingredients : Commercial catfish feeds are a mixture of feedstuffs and vitamin and mineral supplements that provide adequate amounts of essential nutrients and digestible energy. The primary protein sources used in catfish feeds are oilseed meals, such as soybean meal and cottonseed meal, peanut meal and canola meal also can be used. Energy feedstuffs used in commercial catfish feeds are primarily grains corn and wheat and grain by product corn gluten feed, corn germ meal, wheat midlings, and rice bran. Awesome! Feeding strategy for catfish production || Hybrid Magur Fish Farming Business in India W A R N I N G S : Some communities require special permit to produce farm-raised catfish. Check with your local licensing board before beginning your project. Welcome to \"MY CLICK SUPPORT\". Here you will find more videos about Fishing Village and Village Life. Videos on this channel come out every day for more videos. Share, support, subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDfV04lEUp7SmVjV1JZsjA?view_as=subscriber Subscribe to this channel and share these videos in social network. Write in the comments your opinion. And also puts Like. Thanks for watching.....…. #farming_catfish #cement_fish_tank #indoor_fish_farm'
Tags: catfish eating , Magur catfish palan , Desi magur fish farming , Baby catfish , my click support , fish farming in cement tank , cement fish tank ideas , cement tank fish farming in asia , million baby catfish , baby catfish in tank , what do catfish eat in a fish tank , hybrid magur fish farming in asia , building catfish farming tanks , tank fish farming system , aquarium catfish , magur fish farming in asia , fish farm in a tank , baby catfish eating
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