'Diet Feeding For Indian Hybrid Magur Fish Harvesting -Part 2 #FeedingMagur #MagurFarming #IndianMagur FEED : Artificial diet: Normally the artificial fish feed is available in the markets. This feed is available in the form of pellet i.e. wet pellet and dry pellet. In wet pellet, to make the feed hard Carboxy methyl cellulose or gelatin is added and then it is thinly crushed and prepared into pellets. It is healthy but it can’t be stored for long time. In Dry pellet, as it is stored for longer time, they are transported from one place to another. It contains 8-11% of moisture content. Dry pellet is of two types, one is sinking type and other is floating type. Protein: Mainly different breeds of fishes requires different amount of protein level in their diet for example marine shrimp requires 18-20% protein, catfish requires 28-32%, tilapia requires 32-38% and hybrid striped brass requires 38-42% protein in their feed. Lipids: n-3 HUFA is required in the diet as a lipid for the optimal growth and health of marine fishes. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the major energy source in mammals. About 20% of carbohydrates are required in fish feed. Feed types: There are two types of feed available i.e. floating and sinking feed. Different breeds of fishes prefer different feed for example shrimp will only eat shrinking feed. Feed is available in the form of pellets ranging in different sizes according to the size of the fishes. Medicated feeds: Medicated feeds are used when fish stops eating the feed or fall ill. Medicated feeds are used to cure the fish from diseases. Share, support, subscribe https//www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDfV04IEUP7SmVjV1JZsjA?view_as=subscriber My click support is a youtube channel , where you will find many videos, new video is posted everyday. Please SUBSCRIBE my channel……………….'
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