'If you\'re planning to do any canning (water-bath or pressure), this is a must-watch video! Never miss a new video! Sign up to our email list here: http://bit.ly/FollowAlongNow Click \"SHOW MORE\" if you\'re new to our channel and \"MORE ABOUT US\" for some freebies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You’ve grown and sourced some amazing food. Now you want to get it on your shelves and store it. One of the best ways to do that is with canning. Canning is becoming more popular than ever, thanks to its many benefits. So, how do you get started the right way? In this episode of Panty Chat, Josh and Carolyn kick-off a brand-new series on preservation techniques with an introduction to canning. They cover the different types of canning and what foods they are good for, what equipment you should be using, and why it’s so important to follow the rules and practice the right safety measures, especially when it comes to canning. If you\'d rather listen to this episode, hop on over here for the Podcast, transcript, and show notes: homesteadingfamily.com/preservation-101-intro-to-canning Time Stamps 0:00 - Chit Chat 9:19 - Question of the week: Do we own a backup generator? Which brand? 14:12 - Canning History 18:37 - What is Canning? 20:10 - Canning Safety 24:55 - Types of Canning 25:45? - Waterbath Canning 28:35 - Pressure Canning one other method?? 34:00 - Oven Canning 37:24 - Canning Tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MORE ABOUT US! WELCOME! We\'re so glad you\'re here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our nine children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here: http://bit.ly/HFWelcomeVideo Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us! Visit us at https://www.homesteadingfamily.com and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/homesteadingfamily A few highlights you don\'t want to miss are our FREEBIES!! Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources: - Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds http://bit.ly/hhath - Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread http://bit.ly/breadmworkshop - Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning http://bit.ly/MealsOYS Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs: - Homesteading Family\'s Favorite Holiday Recipes - A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe. http://bit.ly/HFHolidayRecipes - 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle. http://bit.ly/SelfSufficientLife - Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living. http://bit.ly/thrivewellnesschecklist - Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden. http://bit.ly/permacultureFYH - Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home. http://bit.ly/CGherblist - Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles. http://bit.ly/breakfastcasseroles - Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs. http://bit.ly/preserveeggs - 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden http://bit.ly/5HealthyGarden - Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop. http://bit.ly/savethecrumbs - Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments. http://bit.ly/Ffermenting - Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes http://bit.ly/fermentingtomatoes - Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs. http://bit.ly/preservingculinaryherbs - Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard. http://bit.ly/renderlard #canning #howtocan #canningforbeginners #canning101'
Tags: how to , homesteading , food preservation , preserving food , how to can , home canning , pressure canner , canning for beginners , canning food , Waterbath Canning , Self-sufficiency , pressure canning , home canning basics , canning 101 , canning equipment , canning supplies , water bath canning , homesteading family , waterbath canning series , canning basics for beginners , home canning basics for beginners , ball canning 101 , canning basics 101 , home canning pantry , home canning videos
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