'Cooking Puchi Food series \'Food Court\'. You can make miniature pasta, udon, cake and so on. This series looks like the middle of Popin Cookin, Konapun and miniature food sample. Cooking Puchi Food Cake Shop https://youtu.be/GN6an4DZ6cs Cooking Puchi Food Hamburger Shop https://youtu.be/Gl9jkRnJag0 Weird Boiled Egg Maker Cooking Hacks https://youtu.be/2dtPMu1gcbk #japanesestuffchannel, #fakefood, #asmr'
Tags: diy , asmr , miniature , Weird , nerd , Pasta , food court , 作り方 , fake food , udon , ミニチュア , 食品サンプル , food sample , popin cookin , Konapun , こなぷん , cooking puchi , クッキンぷっちん , フードコート
See also: