'IKUMI MITO ENTER THE WORLD OF RULE34 Description: Ikumi Mito (水戸 郁魅, Mito Ikumi) is a first-year student with blonde hair and dark skin who often wears a variety of flamboyant bikini tops covered by a tied dress shirt. Known as the \"Master of Meat\", she is among the top students of her year, with her meat-based dishes always scoring A\'s. She strongly dislikes the nickname \"Nikumi\", a portmanteau of the Japanese word for \"meat\" and her given name. She is the heir to a large meat distributor and conglomerate, which has a near-monopoly on the national beef market, allowing her access to exceptionally high-quality ingredients, especially A5 grade beef, which is so tender that it doesn\'t have to be chewed. Nikumi\'s talent with meat lies in her incredibly sensitive lips, allowing her to accurately judge the temperature of meat with a single taste. She initially appears as a representative of Erina in trying to drive out the Donburi Bowl Research Society, but loses a shokugeki to Soma, and is forced to join the club. She develops a crush on Soma afterwards, and helps him save his local business district from a competing fried chicken chain store. At the time of the Moon Festival, the Donburi Society has expanded, mostly because of her appeal to the junior high students, her club places third in sales for her area on the first day. Nikumi opposes the new curriculum of the Azami Administration, and was able to win a Shokugeki to save the Donburi club. However, targeted as a rebel during Central\'s Promotional Exams, she was defeated by Momo on the third exam and expelled. She and her fellow expelled students are left to watch by the sidelines as Soma and the others take on Central in the Regiment de Cuisine, and returns to the school after the Rebels win. (source Wikipedia) Song: https://youtu.be/2j0sgTtXBQA Like and Subscribe for more \"Family Friendly\" content! ❌TAGS❌ #ikumimito #mitoikumi #foodwars #anime #rule34 #mitoikumirule34'
Tags: Anime , weeb , otaku , food wars , Ikumi Mito , Mito Ikumi , NSFW , rule 34 , Rule34 , IKUMI MITO ENTER THE WORLD OF RULE34 , Ikumi Mito rule34 , Rule34 Ikumi Mito , Food Wars Rule34 , Rule34 Food Wars
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