'Why I chose To STOP Consuming Junk Food | Junk Food & Binge Eating Week 3'

'Why I chose To STOP Consuming Junk Food | Junk Food & Binge Eating Week 3'
07:49 Aug 8, 2021
'Every month I start a new habit, I use these videos as a way to keep myself accountable. These videos will give you an insight of the good, the bad and the ugly of starting a new habit. They will also give you some tips and tricks on building habits and knowledge on how these habits can benefit you!  I have built a whole morning routine for myself and the entire journey is shared here on my channel! The next three months, I am moving on to my next set of habits which will focus more on health. For the month of June, I will be sharing my experience with avoiding junk food and stopping my binge eating habits.  In this video, I share the REASONS I chose to work on this habit. They are very personal issues I faced growing up. These reasons made me realize the importance of watching what you consume. Like they say, you are what you eat.  Intro to My Journey - The Habit Game : http://bit.ly/introthehabitgame  Intro To This Month\'s Habit : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUF57EWMplY&t=140s' 

Tags: emotional eating , skin issues , junk food vs healthy food , eating mood , habits of health stress eating , youarewhatyoueat meals , reasons i stop junk food cravings

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