'Stop craving junk food using these 5 ACTIONABLE tips. To the contrary of popular opinion, hunger isn’t actually your biggest enemy when trying to lose weight and stick to a diet. CRAVINGS ARE. An effective and high-quality weight loss diet, couple with a moderate to slow pace of weight loss per week, is probably going to leave little room for hunger. But cravings are a whole other animal. Cravings are the bane of a person that is trying to lose weight. And one of the most common examples of cravings, is craving junk food. Why do humans experience cravings anyway? And why junk food specifically? Many people believe that craving junk food comes from an evolutionary response over thousands of years of surviving with food scarcity. Our primal brains think that we’re still living in the jungle with very little food readily available, thus they urge us to consume as much “precious resources” as possible any time we get the chance. These precious resources are calories, sugar, salt and fats. Because all of those nutrients were very scarce back in the day, our brain naturally urges us to consume them when we get the chance. But how do we stop those primal urges? Watch the video and you’ll find out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -About me: Hey there! My name is Andreas Christou. I have a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics and I\'ve been passionate about fitness, bodybuilding and overall health for almost 10 years now. The goal of this channel is to educate you guys by analyzing and discussing the science behind many nutrition and fitness related topics. I\'m also going to be focusing on the mindset and the psychology that revolves around being healthy, sticking to your goals and living a healthier lifestyle. I\'ve been training drug-free for all of my training life, about 9 years. In the past few years I\'ve been heavily involved with strength and recreational powerlifting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you enjoyed the video! Feel free to subscribe if you did! Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1l9ub-qVBGvlN-VOk87wA?sub_confirmation=1 I\'d also love to get any feedback you guys have to give me as well as any topics that you would like me to cover!'
Tags: Weight loss , sugar , healthy diet , Junk Food , cravings , food cravings , Stop Cravings , stop craving junk food , how to stop craving junk food , cravings control , stop craving sweets
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