'Inside Europe\'s Biggest Caviar Farm | Regional Eats'

'Inside Europe\'s Biggest Caviar Farm | Regional Eats'
09:13 Jul 15, 2021
'Agroittica Lombarda Group in northern Italy produces 15% of the world\'s caviar. The most expensive caviar produced here, Beluga, cost $5,700 per kilogram. The group is split into two companies: Ars Italica Caviar and Calvisuis Caviar. We visited Ars Italica\'s farm, where there are four species: Russian sturgeons, starred sturgeons, Adriatic sturgeons, and sterling sturgeons in the albino variety.  For more, visit:  http://arsitalica.it/en/il-caviale/  MORE ITALIAN FOOD CONTENT: How Italian Gorgonzola Cheese Is Made | The Making Of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPqK5LyGsiE Inside Italy’s Only Starbucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0ZtZ8CVkk Why Parmesan Cheese Is So Expensive | So Expensive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgjWOo7IqQY  ------------------------------------------------------  #Caviar #Italy #FoodInsider  INSIDER is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.  Visit us at: https://www.insider.com Subscribe to our channel: http://insder.co/Food  FOOD INSIDER on Facebook: https://insder.co/2O4gt7A FOOD INSIDER on Instagram: http://insder.co/2aywJtk FOOD INSIDER on Twitter: https://insder.co/2IahHsi INSIDER on Snapchat: https://insder.co/2KJLtVo INSIDER on Amazon Prime: https://insder.co/PrimeVideo  Inside Europe\'s Biggest Caviar Farm' 

Tags: Original , video , INSIDER , Italy , uk , FOOD INSIDER , luxury food , Caviar , Beluga , fish eggs , STURGEON , Fish Farm , expensive eats

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