'List of the top 10 failed McDonald’s products. Failed McDonald\'s menu items you won\'t believe existed. There are some McDonald’s menu items that failed miserably in the fast food industry. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 McDonald\'s always likes to keep on top of our food eating habits and they constantly come up with new products to keep the customers happy. However, while many of their products work to great effect, some really don\'t and become infamous as a stain on the fast-food world. With that in mind here are the Top 10 Failed McDonald\'s Products. These failed discontinued McDonald\'s menu items are disappointing for a fast food restaurant powerhouse. You can say they are the top 10 McDonald’s products that failed spectacularly. Are there any discontinued McDonald’s products that you remember tasting before they failed? If you enjoyed this video list of the top 10 failed McDonald’s fast food products. Comment: #mcdonalds #fastfood #fails TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Failed McDonald’s Products 0:25 McAfrika / McAfrica 1:56 McHotdog 3:28 Arch Deluxe 4:52 McGratin Croquette 5:53 McDLT 7:09 McLobster 8:09 Hula Burger 9:23 McPizza 10:54 McPasta/McSpaghetti 11:59 McLean Deluxe SUMMARIES: - Unlike other entries on this list, the reason the McAfrika failed wasn\'t because of the food itself. - Despite the popularity of hot dogs and the fact that McDonald\'s could sell them cheaply, the McHotdog didn\'t take off. - The Arch Deluxe was a quarter pounder with peppered bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions, ketchup, and a secret sauce. - Designed more for the Japanese market than for the US, the McGratin Croquette consisted of deep-fried macaroni, shrimp and mashed potato, which was then served on a bed of cabbage and stuffed into a bun. - The main reason the McDLT didn\'t work was due to the packaging. - One of the main reasons people were turned off by the McLobster was its price. - The Hula Burger was one of the biggest flops to happen to the Golden Arches chain. - The main reason for the McPizza fail was that when people wanted pizza, they tended to go to one of the many pizza chains rather than McDonald\'s, which makes sense. - The pasta dishes McDonald\'s experimented with were Lasagna, Spaghetti with Meatballs, and Fettuccine Alfredo. - Back in the early 1990s, particularly after the huge success of products like Diet Coke, McDonald\'s tried to get in on the fat-free and sugar-free markets that were gaining steam with the introduction of the McLean Deluxe. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1
Tags: top 10 , fast food , list , babbletop , babble top , mcdonalds , mcdonald's , RESTAURANT , mcdonald , mcdonalds food , McDonald’s , mcds , mcdonalds menu , mcdonald's food , fast food fails , mcspaghetti , failed products , mcdlt , mclean deluxe , mcpizza , hula burger , mchotdog , arch deluxe , top 10 failed mcdonald’s products , failed mcdonald's menu items you won't believe existed , mcafrika , mcafrica , mcgratin croquette , mclobster , mcpasta , discontinued mcdonalds menu items , failed menu items , mcdonald’s products
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