'#foodforhealth #evs #class2 Easy 2 learn presents a video on food for health to make awareness on healthy food. And to tell the benefits of the same. Watch our another interesting video :- Meals of the Day | EVS | https://youtu.be/54654FUDBDY Watch our other Video:- Wild animals | evs class 2 | wild animals for kids https://youtu.be/wGEjhq9U_FE Watch our other Video:- Types of plants | General Science | class 2 https://youtu.be/T9WVl0KmWZs Watch our other video:- Bones and Muscles https://youtu.be/mWcPLGgKLL4 Thanks for watching video. Please subscribe the channel for more interesting and helping video, keep sharing the video and press like button.'
Tags: Healthy Food , cbse , EVS , healthy food for kids , e class , e learning , GSC , food we eat , class 2 , protective food , body building food , energy giving food , EVS Class 2 , Food for Health , food for health class 2 , g school , general science , e kids , EVs online class , easy 2 learn , youtube teaching , #foodforhealth , e learning kids , easy 2 leran Preeti Verma
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