'Japan. Ramen. The two go hand in hand! We\'re off to Kitakata, where the dish has shaped the towns identity. 日本語字幕付! *Where we Visited* ► Samurai Archery Experience Tour https://t-attraction100.com/tour/09.html ► Aizuwamatatsu Handcraft and Ramen Shrine Guide Tour https://t-attraction100.com/tour/10.html Nishiya Ryokan https://t-attraction100.com/tour/13.html *BOOK a Local Tour* ► https://tobutoptours.com/client_en/product_detail_page.php?product_id=217 *More places worth visiting locally* ► Rice Cracker Baking Workshop https://t-attraction100.com/tour/08.html ► Gorgeous Yonezawa Beef Lunch https://t-attraction100.com/tour/11.html ►Wear Samurai Armour in Tsuruga Castle https://t-attraction100.com/tour/12.html Business Enquiries: [email protected]'
Tags: Food , japanese , Travel , japan , ramen , kitakata , yonezawa , aizuwakamatsu
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