'fast food tier list (iDubbbzTV Response)'

'fast food tier list (iDubbbzTV Response)'
09:14 May 1, 2021
'I dont care. you know what. I dont care. See how many cares i give? zero. count them, backwards in your head. zero cares given.  here\'s a video response to that iDubbbzTV video about fast food tier lists. https://youtu.be/G8lRlYdzmMY  with: Mikey Squeeze' 

Tags: burger , tier list , h3h3 , iDubbbzTV , mcdonalds , subway , chipotle , best fast food , worst fast food , taco bell , Fast Food Restaurant , fast food review , tier list maker , idubbbz , fast food tier list , best tier list , idubbbz fast food review , real tier list , fast food tier list reaction , food tier list , idubbbz fast food , legit food review , idubbbz fast food tier , idubbbz food tier

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