'Poor Haitians Eat Mud Cookies To Survive ..Haiti\'s rising food prices drive poor to eat mud.'

'Poor Haitians Eat Mud Cookies To Survive ..Haiti\'s rising food prices drive poor to eat mud.'
02:15 May 21
'https://plus.google.com/u/1/108779144384656297815 Dirt Poor Haitians Eat Mud Cookies To Survive /////The small island nation of Haiti relies heavily on food imports, but with prices soaring, some Haitians are resorting to eating mud.  The cookies — made of dirt, butter and salt — hold little nutritional value, but manage to keep Haiti’s poor alive.//// Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Seventy-six per cent of the population lives on less than $2.25 a day. The discs are made from dried yellow clay mixed with water, salt and vegetable shortening or margarine' 

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