'Food Fermentation l Food Preservation Methods - Lesson 13 l Food Processing Technology'

'Food Fermentation l Food Preservation Methods - Lesson 13 l Food Processing Technology'
07:07 Apr 21, 2024
'#Food_fermentation #Food_preservation_methods #EsculentãScience  Do you know? Ancient humans developed fermentation primarily for the stabilization of perishable foods, the technology has evolved beyond food preservation into a tool for creating desirable organoleptic, nutritional, and functional attributes in food products. Lifestyle choices such as vegetarianism and veganism, and increasing interest by consumers in everything perceived natural and promote health and longevity. Fermentation is also one of the key technologies that is being explored for the conversion of agro food waste into high value products such as food ingredients, nutraceuticals, biofuels, and industrial chemicals and will continue to play a significant role in the transition from the current fossil fuel–based economy to the bio-based economy of the future. Food fermentation can be defined as “a controlled microbial growth and enzymatic conversions of major and minor food components” (Marco et al., 2017). The diversity of microorganisms that can ferment food products is very important and usually the fermentation of one specific product results from the presence of several types of microbes. The fermentation process involves the oxidation of carbohydrates to generate a range of products, which are principally organic acids, alcohol, and carbon dioxide.  Such products have a preservative effect by limiting the growth of spoilage or pathogenic micro biota in the food.  These include many organic acids such as lactic and acetic acids produced as end products, which provide an acidic environment unfavorable for the growth of many pathogenic microorganisms.  Food preservation  Do you every worry about the food waste on the planet. Food waste contributes greatly to world hunger. Therefore, we need to preserve our foods.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er40pFr6AZQ&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW  Food deterioration and spoilage Do you ever worry about that, close to one third of the world\'s food supply is wasted annually. As a major contributor, food spoilage represents an environmental problem.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMZbpDDYbfo&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=2  Food preservation methods Are you wondering about how we keep foods for months or even years? Let’s talk about food preservation methods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXDho69Jgk8&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=3  Edible coatings Do you know about the edible coatings? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRzYiyyhrY4&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=4  Food sterilization is an important preservation method to keep our foods for years at ambient temperature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn5veMGv6ws&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=5  Let’s talk about the UHT treatment in Food Processing Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM2nH-pvLtg&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=6  F value is very important parameter in thermal calculations in food canning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfDnVh6ktOM&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=7  D value in food canning Do you ever think about how canned foods keep at ambient temperature for years?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD7ZgK3A3KQ&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=8  Z value is very important parameter in thermal calculations in food caning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9SoTLjKFVk&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=9 Food canning is a wonderful preservation method to keep our foods for a long time.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkOGLkm4_OM&list=PLaA63rYRQ_7BPBvAvc7cvORnSPM3QdZLW&index=12  Color determination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbTAbgTBVR0  Hurdle technology Hurdle technology is an integrated approach of basic food preservation methods for creating safe, stable, yet nutritious foods.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjM656Ko8pY   Complete Beginner\'s Guide to Fermenting Foods at Home  Complete Guide to Fermenting Every Single Vegetable Is Fermented Food good for us? Guide to Lacto-Fermentation: How To Ferment Nearly Anything What is Fermenting? Beneficial bacteria that make delicious food - Erez Garty FERMENTED FOODS (INTRODUCTION - 1) Food MicroBiology 5 Fermented Foods to Boost Digestion and Health The Science of Fermenting Foods: Healthy Eating Food Fermentation' 

Tags: Food , probiotics , lactic acid , Lactobacillus , fermented foods , microorganisms , food processing technology , food fermentation , lactic acid bacteria , what is food fermentation , what is food preservation , non thermal food processing , yeast and mold , what are lactic acid bacterias , what is probiotic , what is prebiotic , what are homo fermentative bacteria , what are hetero fermentative , spoilage microorganisms , deteriorative reactions , high quality food products , wild fermenters

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