Apr 17
'Fermenting veggies with hot peppers is a great way to improve the flavor. Fermenting anything with a vacuum assist helps improve your ferments success. And I get GREAT hot sauce doing it this way. The Jar cap and vacuum pump I use is called the \"Easy Fermenter\" and is on amazon. The metal hold down springs are from BALL. You should use a good info source on how to ferment as that is not the purpose of this video. I do not get any compensation from those companies for this video. The \"Food Saver\" system has vacuum lids that attach to mason jars and let you use the vacuum pump to suck out lots of air but that system doesn\'t leave a vacuum in the jar as you can\'t leave the food saver lids in place while the ferment runs. You can see a video on THAT here on this channel. Knowing that a vacuum seal is in my jar tells me it\'s really sealed at the time of the ferment start. Please give this a like ! THANKS !'
Tags: hot sauce , fermentation , ferment , hot peppers , homemade hot sauce , Fermenting Chilies
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