'I only ate Mumbai food for 24 hours! | Foreigner eating Indian food'

'I only ate Mumbai food for 24 hours! | Foreigner eating Indian food'
10:39 Apr 26, 2021
'Foreigner eats Indian food for 24 hours, foreigner cooks Maharashtra style pav bhaji, puran poli and shrikhand. Indian food taste test.  //RECIPES Puran Poli: https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/puran-poli-recipe/ Pav Bhaji: https://hebbarskitchen.com/easy-mumbai-style-pav-bhaji-recipe/ Shrikand: https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/shrikhand-recipe/  //SHARE THE LOVE! Liked this video? Give it a thumbs up, subscribe yourself and leave me a comment. I always love to see your thoughts and opinions about my videos! And if you think this video was really great, please share it to some of your friends. Spread the love for India  

Tags: Indian food , street food india , Indian food eating , indian food reaction , foreigners eat indian food , trying indian food , trying indian food first time , Reaction to Indian food , indian food reaction by foreigners , indian food reaction first time , foreigners trying indian food , reaction on india , foreigners eating indian food , Hindi lisa , foreigner reacting to india , foreigner eats indian , india reaction , indian food foreigners , reaction on indian food , react to indian food

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